Further Education

Modern Apprenticeships and Vocational Qualifications

Our Modern Apprenticeships and Vocational Qualifications equip individuals with essential knowledge, expertise and hands-on experience required to thrive in the Utility & Construction industry. Our vast variety of subjects and learning pathways allow all types of learners to better learn and empower themselves.

We work closely with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and SQA to deliver our range of Modern Apprenticeships and Vocational Qualifications, ensuring our qualifications meet industry standards. 

At McCrae Training we are committed to developing the next generation of skills professionals.

Our Modern Apprenticeships are longer, involving an in-depth induction, in-person reviews, porfolio builds, and site visits. Our Vocational Qualifications are shorter and achieved while carrying out normal day-to-day work. Here at McCrae Training we work with you to identify which route works best for you.

Explore our dedicated Modern Apprenticeships and SVQs / NVQs pages for qualification details, benefits, funding, and more.

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